Monday, July 23, 2012

Plantar Fasciitis

Medical Topic of the Day:  My good friend Jonny wants to know about plantar fasciitis.  What is it, andv why does it have so many i's for such a short word?

Off the Top of My Head:  Itis indicates a inflammatory process and plantar is the bottom of your foot.  I have had plantar fasciitis before and it is very painful but I do not know exactly what causes it but I am going to assume the pain is caused by swelling of the muscle fascia in your foot.

My Research Today:  The plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue (a ligament) that connects your heel to your toes and forms the arch of your foot. Plantar fasciitis is the painful swelling and inflammation of that tissue. The inflammation is caused by overuse or over stretching of that ligament. It is more common in men and obese people.

This guy probably always has plantar fasciitis.
Plantar Fasciitis can be extremely painful and is worse after rest like when getting up in the morning. The most common symptom is a stabbing type pain in the arch of your foot nearer your heel. Your foot can also feel stiff and be sensitive to touch.
Typically the best treatment is stretching exercises and anti-inflammatories like Tylenol or Motrin.  A physical therapist taught me a trick where you fill a bottle with water and freeze it then roll the bottle in the arch of your foot.  The ice reduces swelling while you gently stretch out your arch.  Some people roll tennis balls on their feet too.

Dilala?  Starts with a D?  It's the only one I can take
and I need 4 milligrams to start with.
There are crazy surgical options like injections in the soles of your feet.  You can also have your plantar fascia sliced which destroys your natural arch and makes it so you can never walk without orthopedic insoles to support your arch.  Luckily it can almost always be treated without surgery it just takes a while, sometimes up to six weeks.

That's probably too many.
Well, I Am done for the night. If you'd like to request a topic, drop me a line.
Interesting aside:  Why does Lindsey Lohan appear on the second page of an image search for Dilaudid?

Quest To 180:
In the pool 30 minutes

The MAN:
I don't even know.

1 comment:

  1. Plantar fasciitis is thickening of the plantar fascia, a band of tissue running underneath the sole of the foot. The thickening can be due to recent damage or injury, or can be because of an accumulation of smaller injuries over the years. At Medicovi you can find solution of the problem.
