Thursday, June 21, 2012


Today's Topic:  My good friend C-Bass wants to know about Gout.  So here we go.  Thanks for the topic, C-Bass.

Off the top of my head:  I have seen it many times.  I believe it is a type of rheumatism as it is called "gouty arthritis."  I know it is caused by an over abundance of uric acid and typically effects one joint at a time.  I have seen a gouty joint aspirated before and it is this chalky-white gooey substance that surrounds the joint.  I know there is a lot of swelling and redness.  Gouty joints are very tender and pain is worse with movement.

My research today: So gout is caused by having too much uric acid in your body.  This is because either your body makes too much uric acid or because your body is having difficulty removing uric acid.  The uric acid builds up in the synovial joint fluid and crystallizes causing the swelling and pain.

Uric acid is created by your body when it metabolizes purines.  Purines are a common molecule found naturally in your body and also in many foods.  Caffeine is technically a purine.

The crystals that uric acid form are molecularity pointy.  That is to say they are super, mega, ultra sharp.  Hence the discomfort.

Gout is more common in men, and typically comes on suddenly.  People with gout experience a burning, searing, sometimes excruciating pain in the effected joint along with redness are localized swelling.  Untreated the uric acid crystals can do permanent damage to your joints, wearing down and destroying cartilage and tendons.

Gout is easily treated with anti-inflammatory agents and steroids which reduce swelling and pain.  Colchicine is also effective in treating gout and is technically a poison that disrupts cell division or mitosis but ultimately contributes an anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting neutrophil motility.  Basically it slows cell reproduction down thereby reducing swelling through physical inactivity of cells.

There are some other prescription medications that remove uric acid from your blood like Uloric.  People with chronic gout can develop something called "tophi" which are lumps below the skin around joints which must be drained and is that gross chalky substance I was talking about.

Anyways, that is enough for tonight.

Quest to 180:
Current Weight:  227
Activity Today:  Resting my foot.
Diet today:  Ok

The MAN:
Confidence Level:  Meh.
Social Engineering Tactics:  Mind reading.
Comments:  I can read your mind!  Not really.

What I think of the first Fifty Shades of Grey book-shaped thing:
Third chapter down and I still can't think of anything positive to say so...


You will notice that I have refrained this time from calling 50 Shades of Grey a book.  It is only a book insofar as it has pages and type on those pages mimicking a book the same way that a parrot might mimic human language.  It is, however, book-shaped.  This I cannot deny.

I know this thing is not geared towards a male audience but I feel like the author does a disservice to their audience by writing so poorly.  I have read things more eloquent written in the snow with urine.  For those of you who are curious as to the depth of story but do not want to read it, I have compiled this info-graphic:

***END HATE***

Questions or comments can be submitted to

Disclaimer:  I am not a health care provider, any information presented in this blog should not be considered advice it is mearly an outlet to slake my curiosity.  You should always consult your primary medical provider for any concerns or illness.  Unlike Tylenol, I am not approved by the FDA or American Medical Association to treat or provide relief for any ailment.

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